\(\newcommand{\pinover}[2]{\overset{\overset{\displaystyle\mathrm{\ #2\ }}{|}}{\strut #1 \strut}}\newcommand{\divideunder}[2]{\frac{#1}{{\color{blue}{{#2}}}}}\newcommand{\amp}{&}\)
Alexis sells cars for a living, and earns of the dealership’s sales profit as commission. In a certain month, she plans to earn in commissions. How much total sales profit does she need to bring in for the dealership?
Alexis needs to bring in
in sales profit.
Be careful that you do not calculate of That might be what a student would do who doesn’t thoroughly read the question. If you have ever trained yourself to quickly find numbers in word problems and substitute them into formulas, you must unlearn this. The issue is that is not the dealership’s sales profit, and if you mistakenly multiply then makes no sense as an answer to this question. How could Alexis bring in only of sales profit, and be rewarded with in commission?
We can translate the problem into “ is of what?” Letting be the sales profit for the dealership (in dollars), we can write and solve the equation:
To earn in commission, Alexis needs to bring in approximately of sales profit for the dealership.