An expression estimating the average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Portland, Oregon, from January, 2011 to October, 2016, is given by where is the number of months since January, 2011.
  1. According to this model, what was the average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Portland in January, 2011?
  2. According to this model, what was the average rent of a one-bedroom apartment in Portland in January, 2016?
  1. This model uses as the number of months after January, 2011. So in January, 2011, is
    According to this model, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Portland, Oregon, in January, 2011, was
  2. The date we are given is January, 2016, which is years after January, 2011. Recall that is the number of months since January, 2011. So we need to use
    According to this model, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Portland, Oregon, was in January 2016.