Translate to a system of equations and then solve: Two angles are supplementary. The measure of the larger angle is degrees more than three times the smaller angle. Find the measures of the angles.
The measure of the larger angle is
degrees and the measure of the smaller angle is
We are looking for the measure of each of the two angles. So let represent the measure of the larger angle and represent the measure of the smaller angle.
The two angles are supplementary angles, which means the sum of the measures of their angles is degrees. This gives us one equation for our system:
The measure of the larger angle is degrees more than three times the smaller angle. This translates into the following equation:
Hence, our system is as follows:
This system can be easily solved by substitution since the second equation already has isolated. Thus, the first step in solving this system is to substitute the expression in place of in the first equation. This will give us:
Therefore, the smaller angle has a measure of degrees.
To find the measure of the larger angle, we can substitute in place of in the second equation:
Thus, the measure of the larger angle is degrees. The check is left to the reader.