A test has 22 problems, which are worth a total of 113 points. There are two types of problems in the test. Each multiple-choice problem is worth 4 points, and each short-answer problem is worth 9 points.
Write and solve a system equation to answer the following questions.
This test has
multiple-choice problems and
short-answer problems.
Assume the test has multiple-choice problems, and short-answer problems.
It’s given that there are a total of 22 problems, so we have:
Since each multiple-choice problem is worth 4 points, multiple-choice problems would be worth points.
Similarly, since each short-answer problem is worth 9 points, short-answer problems would be worth points.
It’s given that all problems in the test are worth a total of 113 points, so we have:
Now we have a system of equations:
We will use substitution to solve this problem. First, we solve for in the first equation:
Next, we substitute with in and we have:
Finally, we substitute into and we have:
The solution to the system of equations is This implies there are 17 multiple-choice questions and 5 short-answer questions in the test.